The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2011 | Page 5

programs; lecturing at a meeting of the Istanbul Bar Association on indigent defense issues; and lecturing at a Transnational Law Seminar on the American Appellate System. In April, for the first time the Atlanta Bar Association participated in the annual ABA Day in Washington DC, where bar representatives meet with senators and representatives to lobby for the American Bar Association’s legislative agenda, which this year included advocating for funding for Legal Services Corp. and speeding up the process of filling vacant federal judgeships. I see Frank Strickland in the audience. Frank, thank you for all that you do for Legal Services Corp. I think we accomplished something with our lobbying on that issue. On Law Day, we had members making Law Day speeches at local schools. I had the opportunity speak to a group including the JAG Corps attorneys from Fort Benning on “The Legacy of John Adams: From Boston to Guantanamo.” They were a great audience. And we had our a law day proclamation signed by Governor Nathan Deal. Two weeks ago Atlanta Bar Foundation President Bill Ragland and I spoke at the Police Memorial Service. The Police Memorial statue in Atlanta was contributed by The Atlanta Bar Association, and each year the Atlanta Bar Association places a wreath on the memorial during the police memorial service. in the audience today, including Teresa Bonder, Erica Ghali, David Schaeffer and Michael Caldwell. LawJam 2011 will be held June 18, 2011 at the Variety Playhouse. It is a great show and a fun evening and I hope you will all be there. Fin