The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2011 | Page 32

atlanta bar foundation L aw J am 20 11 2011 lawJam Judges (left to right): Brian R. smith, Arnall Golden Gregory LLP; Phaedra C. Parks, The Parks Group; and Lisa F. Moore, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts. the subpoenas: Jonda Faucher, lead singer; along with band members Phil Friduss, saxophone; and John Ray, guitar/lead vocal. 32 THE ATLANTA LAWYER June/July 2011 from left to right: atlanta bar foundation president William M. Ragland, Jr., atlanta bar association president Rita A. sheffey, atlanta bar association executive Director Diane o’steen, atlanta bar foundation board Member David N. schaeffer, atlanta bar association immediate past president Michael B. Terry, and atlanta bar foundation executive Director sally M. Hogsette. Brenton Hund, Alston + Bird the official news publication of the atlanta bar association