sections update
Labor & Employment section
by ian E. smith
King & Spalding LLP
[email protected]
ach day hundreds of onlookers witness the Changing of the
Guard at Buckingham Palace. In the same way, each May,
with perhaps fewer onlookers and only slightly less pomp and
circumstance, the Atlanta Bar Association and its sections perform
a similar guard-changing ceremony. This year, however, before the
Labor & Employment section’s leadership passed the baton, one
final act remained.
In addition to Judge Vineyard’s inspiring address, the Section honored
the top labor and employment law student from each of the Atlanta
law schools: Crystal Genteman (Georgia State University College
of Law), Rachel S. Fox (Emory Law School) and Michael J. Moore
(John Marshall Law School). Each winner received a plaque and
$250.00. The Atlanta Bar staff members who work with the Labor &
Employment Section were also honored for their steadfast support.
On May 12, 2011, the section held its Spring luncheon, the last official
act of the 2010-2011 Labor & Employment Section’s board. And the
luncheon was a rousing success. Approximately 130 attendees turned
out to hear guest speaker Magistrate Judge Russell Vineyard, of
the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, give his
View from the Bench. They were not disappointed. Judge Vineyard
emphasized the importance of lawyers representing parties in an
employment discrimination case to focus on several principles he
called the “pillars of professionalism,” which include competence,
civility, integrity, and commitment to the rule of law, to justice,
and to the public good. Judge Vineyard breathed life into each of
those pillars by sharing very interesting stories from his days as an
Assistant U.S. Attorney.
The luncheon concluded with the announcement of next year’s
board and with a seamless handover the section thanked Peggy
Brockington for her leadership, service, and grace, and welcomed
its new Chairman, Dan Klein.
The 2011-2012 Labor & Employment Section’s Board includes Chair
Daniel Klein, Vice-Chair William C. (Cory) Barker, Secretary/
Treasurer Ian E. Smith, Immediate Past Chair Mary M. (Peggy)
Brockington, Robert Capobianco, Andrea Doneff, Amanda
Farahany, Benjamin I. (Ben) Fink, Marcia Ganz, Ellen B. Malow,
Adriana Midence, A. Lee Parks Jr., Michelle E. Shivers, and
James M. (Jim) Walters.
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the official news publication of the atlanta bar association
June/July 2011