are : the Traditionalists ( born before 1946 ), the Baby Boomers ( born between 1946 and 1963 ), Generation X / Gen X ( born between 1964 and 1979 ), and the Millennials / Gen Y ( born between 1980 and 1994 ). According to Hundley , while Traditionalists grew up in a post-Depression era and took on a “ pay your dues mentality ,” Baby Boomers ( the so-called “ Woodstock Generation ”) adopted the “ anything is possible ” mantra of the American Dream . The subsequent generation , Gen X , shifted to a “ work / life balance ” mentality and were less loyal to employers than the previous generations . Instead , Gen X was skeptical of employers and their loyalty ethic was focused more on individuals than upon corporations . The Millennial generation is likewise focused on balance . Their mantra has been that of “ technology rules ” and multitasking . They are a very inclusive group , which is leading some employers to reconsider their physical workspace floor plans to become more open and collaborative . Not every member of each generation fits these stereotypes , Hundley cautioned , “ Diversity is real .”
These generations represent different aspects of the workforce in the legal industry . “ Traditionalists are still working at law firms and as in-house counsel ,” said Whitaker . “ Baby Boomers tend to control law firms as head partners and represent in house counsel leadership . They don ’ t want to change their ‘ work hard and earn it ’ mentality [ as new generations join the workforce ]. Generation X came into law school as 1Ls asking for work-life balance and currently make up a small percentage of law firm partners and Fortune 100 leadership . Millennials have just started entering the legal workplace , particularly in house .” In addition to working as law firm associates and as in house counsel , Whitaker noted attorneys will also encounter Millennials as clients in various business units such as finance , marketing , and IT . “ It is important to keep in mind that [ regardless of generation ,] we are all in this together ,” Whitaker said .
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association January 2016 THE ATLANTA LAWYER 19