The Atlanta Lawyer January 2016 | Page 16




By Dawn Smith Smith & Lake , LLC dsmith @ smithlakelaw . com

So you got an activity tracker for a gift . With most , not only are you able to track daily steps taken , you can also monitor your heart rate throughout the day and thus gain data on the impact of stress on your life . Lawyering is stressful . Deadlines , difficult clients , challenging opposing counsel , billable hours and going to court create stress in the lawyer ’ s life that could show up in the heart rate . The body ’ s initial reaction to stress , a burst of adrenaline , can be quite useful in succeeding at the task at hand . The mid to long-term effects on the body of chronic stress , however , are not helpful and create serious health concerns . Chronic stress can lead to problems of the heart , the immune system and the muscular system .

The impact of stress on the body to lawyers is particularly pronounced when compared to the general population . The American Psychological Association reports that lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to be depressed than the general population . While the prevalence of substance abuse is roughly 10 % of the general population , that percentage is doubled for lawyers . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that lawyers rank fourth in suicide rates when compared to other professions . Lawyer assistance programs from across the country report that chemical dependency is present in 50 % - 70 % of all disciplinary cases .
The practice of mindfulness offers skills to cope with stress and anxiety encountered in daily life . Mindfulness is the intentional practice of maintaining the moment to moment awareness of thoughts , feelings and body sensations without judging whether they are good or bad . It involves focusing on the present moment rather than dwelling on past experiences or anticipating negative future events . Mindfulness , at its core , is acceptance of what is occurring now rather than dwelling in the wreckage of the future . Meditation is the more formal practice associated with mindfulness , although mindfulness can be practiced anywhere . Using mindfulness on a walk would involve being completely present in that moment rather than rehashing the contentious call with opposing counsel , worrying about the theme of your closing argument for Court next week or stressing about the P & L for the firm that you just reviewed . With mindfulness , the focus of your walk could be awareness of your breathing , the sensations in your body , the smell of the freshly cut grass and the sound of children playing . When thoughts wander off to something other than the present , with mindfulness and without judgment , you gently bring your attention back to the present . While the meditative roots of mindfulness arose from

“ Mindfulness , at its core , is acceptance of what is occurring now rather than dwelling in the wreckage of the future .”

Buddhism , the secular practice of mindfulness has gained in popularity in part due to the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction ( MBSR ) program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School . You cannot turn on the radio or peruse popular media without hearing of the thousands of studies that have documented the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness in general and MBSR in particular . A seminal study found that practicing mindfulness meditation for only eight weeks enhanced the immune system and positively impacted brain function 1 . Other studies indicate the practice of mindfulness can reduce stress and depression 2 , enhance memory and attention 3 and positively impacting relationships 4 . The legal professional , typically skeptical and reluctant to embrace popular cultural phenomenon , has recognized the positive effects of mindfulness and the need to stem the rates of suicide , substance abuse and depression . Not only are there websites devoted to the “ mindful lawyer ,” there are conferences and retreats offered to lawyers who wish to enhance their lives with mindfulness techniques . Even the Wall Street Journal has recognized the movement happening with lawyers wishing to reduce their stress through mindfulness 5 . In the fall of 2015 , Georgia State University
16 THE ATLANTA LAWYER January 2016 The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association