The Atlanta Lawyer February/March 2023 Vol 21, No 5 | Page 5

acknowledge the incremental mental impact that such struggles have upon us over time . Or do we suppress thoughts like that and pretend we are okay ? While never encouraging the latter , the legal profession , for many years , sadly failed to encourage the former . That , however , is changing .
Many state and local bar associations are now emphasizing the importance of mental health . Our own Wellness Committee offers recurring activities to keep the topic front-of-mind . An entire page of the State Bar of Georgia ’ s website shares a plethora of valuable resources ( see https :// www . gabar . org / wellness / mental /). These are great improvements ! They provide selfmanagement tools , but they are only a start . My challenge to each of you — and to myself — goes further . Move beyond managing the madness . Let go what we cannot control and change our outlooks . Live our lives in a way where we can look forward to someday looking back . Embrace the madness .
Wishing you all the best !
Christopher P . Lightner Atlanta Bar Association President

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