The Atlanta Lawyer February/March 2021 Vol. 19, No. 5 | Page 21

lectures – and some classes are a blended model , a portion of the class is held in-person and a portion is held online . Our academic calendar , as well as our course scheduling has remained as previously posted . All in person classes require strict observations of health and safety protocols , with students spaced throughout the classroom , wearing masks . While it makes the classroom experience a little different , the commitment to a quality education does not change .
Is recruiting / interviewing different ? How ?
Recruiting and interviewing is different . Most of the recruiting for Summer 2021 is happening in this Spring 2021 semester , as opposed to the Fall 2020 semester , as would have happened in the past . Also , the interviews are mostly all conducted through online platforms .
What have you done to engage first year students ?
We have offered a variety of programming to first year students , as well as the upper class students . Some of our programs include the following : How to Interview Virtually ; Introduction to the Atlanta Bar ; and Best Ways to Use LinkedIn . We also offer a Professional Development Course for all first year students , and , during the Fall Semester , we have individual meetings with every fulltime first-year student to better understand their goals for their future legal career .
Have you seen a drop in applications for the fall of 2021 ?
No , quite the opposite . We are seeing an increase in the applications for the Fall 2021 entering class .
What are the law students most concerned about ?
Our students , much like society , are concerned about health and safety of loved ones ; being able to continue or finish their legal education ; and about the economy and their future in the legal profession .
Are employers withdrawing offers or making changes to summer programs ?
We have not heard of any employers withdrawing offers . However , we do know that some employers have not decided yet whether their summer program will be held in-person or virtual . We also know that some employers have reduced their summer class size , and they have fewer opportunities to offer than they have historically had .
Have you made any changes during this time that , even after COVID-19 , you might implement in the future ?
We know the use of technology will increase in both legal education and the legal market . We continue to not only utilize technology in and out of the classroom , but also think through how to support our students increase their skills and comfortability with different platforms used by legal professionals .
What has been particularly difficult for law students during this time ?
In my opinion , it has been difficult for law students to connect with their peers . Specifically for the first year law students , they seem to have had some difficulty forming relationships within their class . Also , in my opinion , it has been difficult for some law students to adjust to online learning .
What has been easier for the law students during this time ?
I find that attorneys are more willing to connect when it can be done virtually . As such , I think that the law students have benefited from the virtual informational interview sessions and / or virtual networking events .
What can the bar association do to help law students right now ?
The bar association can continue to encourage its members to be available to
students for informational interviews and other virtual networking encounters , as well as to examine whether they could support an intern this summer . Opportunities for students to get work experience – even if virtual – continues to be vital even though we ’ ve seen some tightening in the market .
CONTACT : RACHEL MILLER Center for Professional Development and Career Strategies , Georgia State University , College of Law Rmiller85 @ gsu . edu
Are classes different ? How ?
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Justice Thomas O . Marshall Chair of Constitutional Law Randy Beck : Seating is spaced out in classrooms to allow social distancing . In a number of courses , this means that it is impossible to have all students in the room at the same time . In those situations , students rotate through the classroom , attending in person some days and participating through Zoom on others . Students and instructors wear masks in the building , including during class time .
Is recruiting / interviewing different ? How ?
Interim Assistant Dean of Career Development Tony Waller : Employers are waiting longer in the recruiting cycle to interview , particularly for second-year student summer jobs . Most of the employers that typically interview at UGA during the recruiting season are continuing to interview , although both the initial interviews and the callback interviews are being done virtually .
What have you done to engage first year students ?
Director of Student Affairs Casey Graham : We started the year with a hybrid in-
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