From the Board
We asked the Atlanta Bar and Atlanta Bar
Foundation Board: What is the legal task that
you hope technology takes over in the future?
Atlanta Bar Association Board of Directors
Document review.
Amy Cheng (Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scar-
Written discovery.
Ashley Wilson Clark (Buckley Beal LLP)
I hope technology finds a way to sit CLE semi-
nars for us and scan the info into our brains!!
Caren Cloud (Fulton County Juvenile Court)
Time entry and billing.
Steve LaBriola (Fellows LaBriola LLP)
Generation and transmission of invoices au-
tomatically customized to client preferences.
Chris Lightner (Alston & Bird LLP)
I hope it takes over certain document man-
agement tasks (i.e. makes it possible to do
quality scanning and even copying from
your phone).
Nora Robb (Cox Automotive, Inc.)
Discovery disputes.
Sachin Varghese (Bondurant Mixson &
Elmore LLP)
Timekeeping- to reduce the stress of
billing hours.
Maggie Vath (GA State University College
of Law)
Time entry and billing.
Ryan Walsh (Jones Day)
Entering documents into evidence (using
electronic copies).
Cinque Axam (Axam~Roberts Legal Group)
Atlanta Bar Foundation Board of Directors
Discovery responses.
Bill deGolian (Bill deGolian Law Office)
Filtering e-mails to allow only relevant and
important ones to be received.
Betsy Griswold (United Parcel Service Legal
Technology that could check and respond
to email. Then all correspondence would
be computers talking to other computers,
and humans could go back to interacting
in person again.
Brenton Hund (Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.)
Answering interrogatories.
Jo Lanier Meeks (James Bates Brannan
Groover LLP)
Wade Malone (Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scar-
Improvements in existing technology for
electronic document collection, analysis
and production, including privilege review.
Bill Ragland (Womble Carlyle Sandridge &
Rice LLP)
Getting paid!
Rob Wellon (Attorney and Counselor at Law)
Could we please delegate all discovery dis-
putes to AI proxies?
Jessica Wood (Bodker Ramsey Andrews Win-
nograd & Wildstein PC)
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER