The Atlanta Lawyer February / March 2019 | Page 26
On February 8, 2019, the Bankruptcy Section pre-
sented its Annual Bankruptcy and Commercial Law
Year in Review program at the Capital City Club.
Over seventy section members attended the pro-
gram and enjoyed the opportunity to hear from the
distinguished panelists on the latest bankruptcy and
commercial law case developments from the last
year. The morning session focused on recent devel-
opments in bankruptcy law and included the Hon-
orable Paul W. Bonapfel, U.S. Bankruptcy Court,
Northern District of Georgia, and the Honorable
Mary Grace Diehl (Ret.), U.S. Bankruptcy Court,
Northern District of Georgia. Additional panel-
ists for the morning session were Harris Winsberg
(Troutman Sanders LLP) and Beth Anne Harrill,
law clerk for the Honorable Paul W. Bonapfel, U.S.
Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia.
The afternoon session focused on commercial law
developments and was presented by C. Edward
Dobbs (Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs LLP) and
Alfred S. Lurey (Kilpatrick Townsend LLP).
The Bankruptcy Section also hosted its first break-
fast of the year on Thursday, January 17, 2019.
Nathan Juster, an attorney with the Home Defense
Program of Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc., pre-
sented on home loss mitigation programs. The
event was well attended by twenty-five attendees,
including several judges, who gathered at the offices
of Alston & Bird LLP in Midtown Atlanta. It was
a highly informative and engaging program that
February/March 2019
ended with Mr. Juster fielding several questions
from the attentive audience.
Save the Date
Please save the date for the following events.
• The Bankruptcy Section 2019 David W. Pollard
Award & Spring CLE Program will be held on May
16, 2019, at the Ansley Golf Club.
Board of Directors
The Officers and Board members for the 2018-
2019 year are: Vania S. Allen (Chair), Melissa Davey
(Chair-Elect), Bruce Walker (Secretary), Gregory
Taube (Treasurer), Michael Bargar, Sameer Kapoor,
Aimee Pickett Sanders, CC Schnapp, Howie Slomka,
and Doroteya Wozniak (Members at Large).
Contact Us
If you have proposals for Bankruptcy Section activi-
ties or projects, please contact any of the officers or
board members. We look forward to another great
year and welcome your participation.
Doroteya N. Wozniak
James-Bates-Brannan-Groover LLP