The Atlanta Lawyer February / March 2019 | Page 22
Beyond Molds: Finding an Outlet
to Grow as a Person
By Judge Bianca Motley Broom
Magistrate Court of Fulton County
As attorneys we work in a high-
pressure, intense industry. There
are constant demands to be avail-
able all of the time. We run the
risk of emptying our own reserves
for the sake of others. There is
always more to do. Consequently,
a lot of us often fall short in bal-
ancing work-life commitments. zone. I looked around the room
and it seemed as if everyone else
was far more advanced though
we were all supposed to be begin-
ners. About four weeks into the
class, however, I was finally able
to center my clay on the wheel.
Two weeks later, I brought my
first piece home.
In 2013, a couple of months
after transitioning to a new job,
a friend told me she was inter-
ested in taking a ceramics class
at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
and invited me to join her in the
studio. After the first few classes,
I hated it and wanted my money
back. Luckily for me, Callanwolde
has a no refund policy and I was
forced to stick with it. I felt un-
comfortable and irritated as I was
pushed outside of my comfort Over the last six years, I have kept
on returning to Callanwolde. In
fact, I have not missed a quarter.
In the back of my mind, I am
scared I will lose all of the skills I
have developed thus far. Logically
I know that wouldn’t happen, but
I have also gained a number of
other benefits I never expected.
February/March 2019
A new community. This was
probably the biggest surprise for
me. I started pottery classes with
a friend, but never expected to
make so many others. It has been
a welcome social avenue away
from work. While ceramics is our
main bond, I have found com-
monalities with my fellow potters
in myriad ways.
Stoneware bowl: Coleman Red, Oribe &
Temple White glazes; cone 10.