The Atlanta Lawyer February / March 2019 | Page 18
Family Law and Co-Parenting:
There’s an App for That
By Max Ruthenberg-Marshall
The Ruthenberg-Marshall Law Firm
[email protected]
Family law attorneys are used to
dealing with challenging cases:
two parents with such high con-
flict they cannot possibly say a
civil word to each other, a cli-
ent reporting the other party
is always late for exchanges, or
repeated arguments over whether
one parent has provided the other
parent with certain information
or documents. Well now, there is
an app for that.
In recent years, society’s reliance
on technology and, particularly,
apps has grown. Americans now
check their phones an average of
80 times per day, which is about
every 12 minutes during waking
February/March 2019
hours. 1 U.S. users spend an aver-
age of five hours a day on their
phones, including spending more
time using apps than watching
TV. 2 The Apple App Store, which
launched only ten years ago,
1 SWNS. “Americans
Check Their Phones 80 Times
a Day: Study.” New York Post.
November 8, 2017.
2 Perez, Sarah. “U.S.
Consumers Now Spend Five
Hours Per Day on Mobile
Devices.” Tech Crunch. March
3, 2017.
boasts over 2 million apps and
over 500 people visiting the app
store each week. 3 With such an
increase in overall app usage, it
is no wonder so many apps have
been developed that specifically
target consumers in family law
Co-parenting apps help busy
or high-conflict parents effec-
tively manage co-parenting their
children. These apps provide
3 Silver, Stephen. “Apple
Details History of App Store
on Its Tenth Anniversary.”
Apple Insider. July 5, 2018