The Atlanta Lawyer February / March 2019 | Page 15
stood which can cause frustration
to the filer.
State: Nothing at all, we love e-
6) What are some of the most
common user errors? What ad-
vice do you have for users so as to
avoid these problems?
Sup: A few of the most common
user errors are incorrect case
numbers/parties on documents,
documents submitted to the wrong
court, and missing signatures on
I would advise users to always
double check their filings.
Filers using Peach Court should
pay attention to the details/notes
on the side panel of their screens.
That area usually provides tips on
how/what to do.
Users should review the e-filing
guide/tips posted on our website
com ).
State: Submitting Summons as
Miscellaneous. The Summons
and Civil Case Initiation Form is
automatically generated when the
filers enter the parties.
Don’t submit the Plaintiff’s and/or
Defendant’s Portion of Proposed
Pre-Trial Orders as a “Proposed
Order” when it’s just the Plaintiff or
Defendant’s Portion. These should
be filed under the document type
“Pleadings” so that they receive a
filed in stamp. The only time the
Consolidated Pre-Trial Orders are
not filed in, is when both parties
have signed. The Order would be
filed-in upon Judge’s signature.
Incorrect case number – the case
number on the pleading doesn’t
match what the filer selected.
Verify all information prior to
Attorney signatures are missing
completely or only have S/ with
no name after. We must have at-
torney’s signature on the pleading,
if they use S/, then they need to
type or handwrite the actual name.
All pleadings should not be scanned
in one PDF (i.e. Motion, Brief in
Support, Affidavit). Each should be
submitted in separate PDFs in or-
der for each to be file-stamped in.
On the Garnishments, the amounts
listed on the Summons do not
match the amount on the Affida-
vit. Verify all information prior to
Answers to Garnishments being
submitted in a separate PDF un-
der the document type “Answer”,
which will receive a filed in stamp.
The Answers are not filed in, until
submitted by the Garnishee. The
Answers can be attached to the
Affidavit of Garnishment.
7) Although e-filing can save the
court money, are there added
expenses, and if so what are they?
Sup: I am not aware of any added
expenses for the court at this point.
State: As of January 1st, Cobb
County State Court Clerk’s Office
has gone paperless only on cases
initiated on or after January 1st.
Files initiated prior to 2019 still
have to be handled as a paper fil-
ing. We have three colored print-
ers solely dedicated to printing
the e-filed pleadings in color. The
cartridges for these printers are
very costly as well as copy paper.
8) If attorneys have questions
about e-filing, what is the best
way to get them answered or who
should they contact?
Sup: Attorneys that have ques-
tions concerning e-filing have a
few options for getting assistance.
They can contact the Clerk’s Of-
fice directly or Peach Court which
has online chat/support, as well as
customer support personnel avail-
able via phone.
State: The attorneys can call our
office and we will try to assist the
attorneys the best we can. If it’s
something we’re unsure of, we
will contact PeachCourt to get the
answers. This also helps us learn
how we can better assist other cus-
tomers in the future. We also will
refer the customer to call Peach-
Court directly, if we are not able
to provide enough information or
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER