4 The International Law Section held a social networking
event on February 15, 2018 at Ri Ra Irish Pub for section
members and those interested in learning more about the
section. Atlanta Bar President Margaret H. Vath welcomed
guests which included Magaly Cobian (managing director
of the Atlanta Center for International Arbitration and
Mediation at Georgia State University School of Law).
Atlanta Bar members can join the section by contacting
Amy Schlossberg at [email protected] or 404-
537-4930. L-R: Tatiana Hernandez-Davila (Georgia State
University College of Law LLM Student), Roy Sobelson
(Georgia State University College of Law Professor), Magaly
Cobian (Atlanta Center for International Arbitration and
Mediation Managing Director), Margaret H. Vath (Atlanta
Bar Association President & Georgia State University Col-
lege of Law Senior Lecturer), Mariel Kentros Kehmeier,
(Georgia State University College of Law LLM Student),
Leila Lawlor (Georgia State University College of Law As-
sistant Professor), Nevriye Davis (Georgia State University
College of Law LLM Student), Serge Luhaga (Georgia
State University College of Law LLM Student)
5 L-R: Atlanta Bar President Margaret H. Vath (Georgia
State University College of Law), Anton Mertens (Burr
& Forman, LLP), Thomas Rosseland (Bodker Ramsey
Andrews Winograd and Wildstein) and Rahim Dhanani
(Dhanani Law Firm LLC).
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER