TIP GA's Homeless Community Project
by Caren Cloud
Truancy Intervention Project Georgia
[email protected]
In partnership with Atlanta Le-
gal Aid Society, Inc., the Truancy
Intervention Project Georgia is
implementing a new initiative to
address the needs of communities
directly impacted by the housing
crisis of recent years. As part of
the initiative, TIP will work with
local school systems, community
programs and juvenile courts to
develop effective programming
to assist families facing issues of
homelessness and landlord/ten-
ant issues.
TIP will partner with target com-
munities to host information ses-
sions designed to educate and
empower families regarding av-
enues for safe and stable housing
as well as rights and responsibili-
ties regarding disability, special-
education, and landlord tenant
laws. The first of these sessions
was held in late January in Jasper
County (city of Monticello) with
guest presenters, Tomieka Daniel,
Managing Attorney and Shannon
Miles, Equal Justice Fellow, both
with the Macon office of Georgia
Legal Services Program. As follow-
up to the community discussions,
TIP will work with community
leadership to focus on address-
ing some of the larger, systemic
issues that plague homeless fami-
lies from substandard housing to
“affordable” housing priced well
beyond the means of the average
low income renter.
L-R: Shannon Miles (Equal Justice Fellow), Tomieka Daniel (Georgia Legal
Services Program Macon Office Managing Attorney) and Targie Folds ( Jasper
County Family Connection Partnership Executive Director).
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER