The Atlanta Lawyer December/January 2021 Vol. 19, No. 4 | Page 29

Agency (“ EPA ”) laws . Atlanta has become

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an attractive hub for many corporations and small businesses . Attorneys wishing to practice in this area of law should be knowledgeable about the EPA regulations to accurately advise a client on how to answer violations and how to remain in compliance with such laws .
Atlanta ’ s Eviction Problem Ayanna Jones-Lightsy and Pierce Hand ( Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation ) provided attendees with information on how COVID-19 has impacted the housing crisis in Georgia . Jones-Lightsy and Hand also gave a detailed overview of the eviction process in general . After going over the basics of an eviction , they spoke about the ways in which new attorneys could volunteer to assist with helping prevent evictions for low-income families . By the end of the presentation , new attorneys were able to spot potential illegal evictions and could adequately file a viable defense to such eviction .
Family Law After a quick break , Eileen Shuman ( Shuman & Shuman , PC ) and Jed Silver ( The Silver Firm ) hosted a panel discussion on the impact COVID-19 has had on family law . As Ronne Kaplan ( Kaplan Family Law ) moderated events , attendees were able to gain valuable insight and tech savvy tips on how to navigate around the pandemic for the family law client .
The Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct state that “[ a ] lawyer shall provide competent representation to a client .” In today ’ s world , competence means that the attorney must be not only competent in the law , but also technology . COVID-19 has presented some unique challenges that have required attorneys and the legal system to adapt and restructure how trials and other legal matters are handled . Many attorneys are now working in virtual spaces as well as conducting hearings and trials using virtual platforms . Thus , new attorneys may need to invest in basic technology equipment to continue to meet the standards under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct . It is advised that we have trusted IT professionals on who we can call to not only ensure hearings and trials run smoothly , but to also maintain your practice .
Shuman and Silver were able to review the grounds for a divorce and the proper jurisdiction and venue for divorces . Attendees were also reminded of certain requirements needed to file a divorce . In Georgia , equitable means fair ; not equal . As lawyers , we must understand that what seems fair to some , may not seem fair to others . In family law , we must know and understand the facts and circumstances of a marriage to effectively advocate for our clients . This is important when our clients are seeking alimony and / or equitable division of marital assets .
Although divorce is often the first thing that comes to mind when we think of family law , there are other issues that may arise such as : contempt , modification , prenuptial agreements , postnuptial agreements , legitimization , paternity , custody / visitation issues and family violence . Attorneys practicing family law should be flexible and at least knowledgeable of these matters before choosing to accept a case . The client ’ s outcome depends on our competence .
Personal Injury To end day one of the program , Madeline Simmons ( Stewart Miller Simmons Trial Attorneys , LLC ) provided a checklist for new attorneys wishing to practice in personal injury . Beginning with the intake of new clients , attorneys should be aware of laws regarding how attorneys seek out potential new clients . Attorneys should be able to indicate and advise clients on the statute of limitations that may arise in their case and the amount of time the case may take once it is filed in the court system . It is important to be as transparent and honest as possible with clients when discussing settlements and other major points in the case . Remember , clients have the last say in how they would like for their case to proceed .
Employment Law , COVID-19 and the Workplace , Recent Title VII Developments and the Impact for Employees Ronne Kaplan ( Kaplan Family Law ) moderated the Employment Law panel on the second day of “ But You Said You ’ re a Lawyer !?” Robin Frazer Clark ( Robin Frazer Clark , PC ); Steven Wolfe ( Legare Atwood & Wolfe , LLC ); and Bianca Meador ( Martenson Hasbrouck & Simon , LLP ) served as panelists . The panel began with a detailed presentation on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“ FFCRA ”) and an employee ’ s rights under the act , including what type of sick leave an employee is entitled to if they contract COVID-19 and what type of compensation they should receive . It also discussed the new laws specific to Georgia , including the COVID-19 Re-Opening Plan : “ Empowering a Healthy Georgia .”
Not only did the panel highlight the recent legal developments , they also provided insight into the potential interpretation of the new laws . For example , they discussed whether an employer could require its employees to undergo a COVID-19 antibody test and whether an employer was required to make reasonable accommodations for risk of exposure to COVID-19 . The panel also provided practical advice for businesses placing a COVID-19 waiver sign on their door under Georgia ’ s COVID-19 Pandemic Business Safety Act , such as font requirements and taking pictures to document when the sign was installed in case a lawsuit is filed . Employers , employees , lawyers , and lay persons alike would benefit
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