The Atlanta Lawyer December 2016 / January 2017 | Page 7
The Bar staff, including Lawyer Referral and Infor-
Why not give a friend or colleague membership in
mation Services staff, celebrated the holidays with a
the Atlanta Bar Association? Think of the professional
wonderful lunch on Friday, December 16. The Past
benefits that this will bring–networking, outreach,
Presidents had their annual lunch (hosted again by
CLE, and knowing that you are helping build our
Wade Malone at Nelson Mullins) on Tuesday, De-
legal community here in Atlanta. I was recently asked
cember 20. Again, there was plenty of good cheer
why Atlanta has such a tight, strong legal community.
and meaningful remembrances of two distinguished
While there is no way to give just one answer, I was
past presidents who passed away this year, Hon. Jack