On Wednesday, November 28, the Multi-Bar Leadership Council (MBLC)
hosted a holiday social at No Mas! Cantina to collect toys for the Fulton
County Department of Family and Children Services.
Show from left to right are Seth D. Kirschenbaum (Davis Zipperman
Kirschenbaum & Lotito, LLP), Atlanta Bar Secretary Jacquelyn H.
(Jackie) Saylor (The Saylor Law Firm), Diane O’Steen (Executive
Director, Atlanta Bar Association) and C. Murray Saylor (The Saylor
Law Firm).
Shown from left to right are Patrick Longhi (Attorney at Law),
David Chang and Brenda Lopez Romero (Staff Attorney,
Immigration Services, Catholic Charities).
Shown from left to right are David Chang and MBLC Chair Charles B. Hess (Office of the Mental Health Advocate).
December 2012
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association