section update
Estate Planning & Probate Section Update
By Loraine M. DiSalvo
Morgan & DiSalvo, P.C.
[email protected]
n November 14, 2012, our Section welcomed Edward
Miller, a writing coach of great experience and humor,
to our monthly breakfast meeting. Mr. Miller gave us
a lesson in “Writing Skills for the Estate Planning Lawyer,”
although, as he noted, they were really skills everyone who
writes can use. Breakfast attendees left both amused and
with many practical tips.
For our December 12, 2012, breakfast meeting, we heard
from Andrew S. Auchincloss of Bernstein Global Wealth
Management. Mr. Auchincloss, a well-known expert on estate
planning and tax related issues, gave us his post-election
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
predictions for the future of the tax and estate planning
related laws.
The Section also has a number of events scheduled for 2013.
We will continue to have our monthly breakfast meetings on
the second Wednesday of each month. In addition, we have
scheduled some less-educational events. These include a
joint social with the Family Law Section which is scheduled
for January 24, 2013, and a social with the Financial
Planning Association’s local members which is scheduled
for March 21, 2013. Please watch the Bar’s calendar for
further updates. ■
December 2012