which divorced parties both want to remain involved with the marital business . While it is important to know exactly what your client wants , sometimes a financial expert can persuade them toward alternative ( and better ) solutions based on their past experiences .
VII . Mediation Panel The mediation panel was a lively panel , which goes to show how much fun they have doing their jobs and helping family law attorneys resolve their cases . Family law practitioner Hannibal Heredia moderated the panel of seasoned mediators . Mediators Roy Finch , Andy Flink , Alyson Lembeck , Christina Scott , and Louis Tesser shared great insights on how to effectively mediate via Zoom video conference technology and what helps mediations be successful . Some key tips include having candid conversations with your mediator ( tell them in advance the communication style and specific needs of your client ), invite the financial experts / neutrals to participate , and do not expect mediators to make miracles happen late at night .
VIII . Judges Panel To conclude the program , family law attorneys Ivory Brown and Adam Gleklen moderated a panel consisting of Superior Court Judges Ural Glanville ( Fulton County ), Robert Leonard II ( Cobb County ), and Rebecca Crumrine Rieder ( Fulton County ). As family law attorneys know , Judges are extremely busy and it is hard to get a court date , so when you are finally there , ready to test your fate , what does the Judge expect of you as it pertains to financial matters ? Judge Rieder suggested that family law practitioners provide their client ’ s Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit and proposed Child Support Worksheet ( s ) before
trial and to tell the court what relief you are seeking during opening statement . Judge Glanville cited his military background and said that he is going to read the financial expert ’ s report , but “ give me the bottom line first .” Judge Leonard spoke about recent cases in which marital businesses were valued and expert testimony being crucial to his decision-making process .
The program ended with a heartfelt “ Thank You ” to Judge Rieder for her devotion to the family law bar and bench . All in all , it was an action-packed day with helpful and necessary information for every family law practitioner . Though the future holds many unknowns , it was refreshing to see so many practitioners who work hard every day to keep cases moving and clients confident and satisfied in their financial matters , and that there are many helpful resources for us all .
Top Row , L-R : Hannibal Heredia ( Hedgepeth Heredia , LLC ), Roy Finch ( Finch Mediation ), Andy Flink ( Flink Consulting , LLC ) Middle Row , L-R : Louis Tesser ( Tesser Mediation LLC ), Christina Scott , Alyson Lembeck ( llis Funk , PC ) Bottom Row : Kevin Rubin ( Marple Rubin Family Law , LLC )
Top Row : Adam Gleklen ( The Gleklen Law Firm ), Judge Rieder ( Fulton County Superior Court ), Judge Leonard ( Cobb County Superior Court ) Bottom Row : Ivory Brown ( Ivory T . Brown PC ), Judge Glanville ( Superior Court of Fulton County ) www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 25