Family Law Section CLE : Getting the Most Financial Bang for Your Client ’ s Buck
In Case You Missed the CLE on August 7 , 2020 Held By the Family Law Section .
ASHLEY O ’ NEIL , ESQ . Marple Rubin Family Law , LLC ashley @ marplerubin . com
On August 7 , 2020 , the Family Law Section hosted a CLE on a variety of complex financial issues in family law matters , such as business valuations , income and child support , financial expert selection considerations , tax controversy , bankruptcy , mediation , and more . Eileen Shuman ( Shuman & Shuman ), the chair of the Family Law Section , welcomed everyone to the program . Dan Branch with IAG Forensics & Valuation and Kevin Rubin ( Marple Rubin Family Law ) were the co-chairs for the program introducing the various panels and overseeing the program . Will Davis ( Naggiar & Sarif Family Law ) provided crucial technological support as he managed the Zoom platform on behalf of the section . The speakers and panelists are leaders in their fields and shared vast knowledge with the attendees , while providing real-life examples to keep everyone entertained and engaged .
I . Business Valuation Fundamentals Financial expert Sherri Holder and family law attorneys William Alexander and Teresa Mann presented on business valuation fundamentals . Holder primarily led the presentation while soliciting feedback from the family law attorneys , who shared anecdotes and tips from their practice . Attendees learned that business valuations can come in many forms , and the valuator must collect large amounts of data from clients before he or she can generate the “ magic number .” Holder has testified as a financial expert witness in over fifty ( 50 ) trials , and her experience was on display as she explained the different approaches
22 August / September 2020