The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2019 | Page 13
are incredibly generous with their
time talent and treasure and enable
the good work of the Foundation
to continue. We will also focus on
establishing a robust Committee
structure where each Board member
is engaged and focused on special
areas of service such as events and
fundraising, corporate governance
and long term strategic planning for
the Foundation.
What is one of your favorite
Atlanta Bar Foundation events?
I can’t name just one! The End
of Summer Band Party is always
a big hit. This year it was held on
September 12 at Terminal West.
If pushed, I would probably say
my favorite event is the Grants
Celebration Luncheon where the
Foundation, together with our
partner the Atlanta Bar Lawyer
Referral and Information Service,
celebrates the award of grants to so
many worthy organizations.
Adv ice for getting more
involved with the Atlanta Bar?
Just sign up! The Atlanta Bar
Association offers a wealth of
diverse opportunities for so many,
but especially young lawyers.
Members will get the unique
opportunity to develop leadership
skills, learn invaluable lessons from
mentors and cultivate a life- long
commitment to service.
How are members able to join
the Atlanta Bar Foundation
Board or one of its Committees?
Feel free to have any interested
members contact Terri Bryant, at
[email protected], me or any
Foundation Board member. THE ATLANTA LAWYER