The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2016 | Page 24



Matthew J . Simmons Shepherd Law LLC msimmons @ shepherdlaw . net


This summer the ACYL Board has been busy planning for another event-packed year . We are excited to get the year started with a Happy Hour at TAP in Midtown on August 25 , 2016 , followed by our Associates ’ Campaign Kick-Off Happy Hour on September 22 , 2016 ( location to be determined ). Ellis Liu , Matt Gass , and Nina Maja Bergmar will be co-chairing the Associates ’ Campaign this year . They will work with Atlanta-area associate attorneys to raise donations for Atlanta-area legal non-profits . As in prior years , we are in need of volunteer firm coordinators to serve as a liaison within their respective firms to help us raise donations from their associates . Please contact Ellis Liu at eliu @ gordonrees . com if you wish to volunteer to serve as your firm ’ s coordinator . Ellis , Matt , and Nina will circulate more information about the Associates ’ Campaign to our fellow members by email and at the Associates ’ Campaign Kick-Off Happy Hour .
We are continuing our very successful “ Life of a Trial ” Beer and CLE Series this Fall as well as our “ Life of a Deal ” seminar in the Spring . We are also continuing our Mentoring Breakfasts this year . The goal of the Mentoring Breakfasts is to deliver to new lawyers valuable “ real world ” information that is not typically covered in law school curriculum . Please join us for the upcoming Mentoring Breakfasts this Fall .
volunteer efforts , we look forward to continuing our support of the volunteer work of others including , in particular , the Law School Outreach Committee and the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation . We are planning several community service events this year , so stay tuned !
For those who would like to find out more information about the ACYL schedule of events , our Facebook page provides event updates and also serves as a forum for questions , suggestions and networking .
We can also be contacted through the Atlanta Bar Association website , and I am happy to answer any questions you may have by email at msimmons @ shepherdlaw . net .
If you would like our group to get involved in any particular program or event , we welcome and encourage opportunities to team up with other sections / groups and we appreciate any suggestions regarding events and event content ! ACYL members enjoyed a night of great music performed by many talented young Atlanta attorneys in June in support of the Atlanta Bar ’ s LawJam Battle of the Lawyer Bands fundraiser . In addition to leading our own
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 24