The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2016 | Page 15
Jeff Bramlett was honored with the 2006 Charles. E.
Watkins, Jr. Award for Distinguished and Sustained
Service from then Atlanta Bar President Elizabeth Price.
In late June, I learned that
Jeff had run out of treatment options. It was unclear
how much time Jeff would
have, but as his bride Nancy
told me, there was no doubt
about what the doctors had
told them. Thinking about
Jeff and the impact he had
within our firm, I knew
there were many outside
the firm who may not have
known about his illness, or
how dire his condition was,
who would want an opportunity to contact Jeff and
Nancy while Jeff was still
living. With Nancy’s blessing, I contacted lawyers and
staff who had once been at
our firm, starting with those
who had left in recent years,
but eventually speaking to
others who had left decades
ago. I soon realized, however, that I had to expand
beyond former firm colleague s, because Jeff’s network was so extensive – the
State Bar, the Atlanta Bar, Legal Aid, AVLF, Lawyers
Club, ACS. I was overwhelmed by the reactions of those
with whom I spoke and their expressions of love and
respect for Jeff and of the impact he had on them. For
some Jeff had been an amazing mentor. Some spoke
about his outstanding legal prowess, professionalism
and leadership. Others talked about how he selflessly
helped those most in need of the best representation
but could not afford it. And for many, Jeff was simply
a great friend.
August/September 2016
With Jeff’s passing, we have lost a true giant of the
Bar, one who will be missed by those who had the
good fortune of knowing him. Emmet Bondurant,
Mickey Mixson, Jay Elmore and I had the extraordinary
privilege of practicing with Jeff for nearly 35 years.
We will forever remember our friend and partner,
Jeffrey O. Bramlett.