The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2016 | Page 13
Ready to take your legal career to the next step?
8:15 am to 12:00 pm
Troutman Sanders LLP
600 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 5200
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Nicole Drummond
[email protected]
Online registration is available until 9/20/2016
August/September 2016
Our Law Practice Management Program is a 3-part
CLE series designed to provide developing lawyers
with practical information and strategies needed to
cultivate a successful law practice. Each program is
approved for 3.5 CLE credits, including one hour of
Professionalism credit, for a total of 10.5 CLE hours.
This series is open to Atlanta Bar members and nonmembers and is limited to 75 participants.
Register now, as spots will fill up quickly!
3.5 CLE Credit, including 1 hour Professionalism
Register by August 30, 2016 and receive a $25 discount
(not applicable to student registrations)
Atlanta Bar Member: $125 ($100 Early)
Non-Member: $150 ($125 Early)
Paralegals: $100 ($75 Early)
Law students: Members $25/Non-Members $50