2014-2015 Board of Directors Retreat
Brainstorming & Bonding
The Atlanta Bar Association Annual Retreat
By Maggie Vath, Treasurer 2014-2015
Georgia State University College of Law
he Atlanta Bar Association year is off to a terrific
start! After a short summer break, the new Board of
Directors kicked off the Bar season with a productive
planning retreat. In early August, 2014, 17 board members
in addition to S. Wade Malone (Atlanta Bar Foundation
President) and Rita Sheffey (ABA Delegate) convened at
nearby Chateau Élan to strategize and plan for the coming
months. As President Jackie Saylor noted in her welcoming
remarks, the purpose of the retreat was to “establish board
camaraderie, train the members on the basics of board and
bar operations, review present programs, and discuss new
ideas and initiatives for the Bar year.” Over the course of two
days, the Board did just that – and more.
The retreat commenced with icebreaker games, facilitated by
President-Elect/Vice President, Harold Franklin Jr., Executive
Committee member, Lisa Liang, and Member-at-Large, David
Richards. Designed to acquaint the board
members with each other, the exercise resulted
in board members developing connections,
sharing stories, and introducing new ideas.
deconstructed topics ranging from: membership recruitment
and benefits, to relationship building, to programming. After
several hours, the Board reconvened as a whole to shape
strategy and discuss best practices. Facilitated by Executive
Committee Member Robert Lewis and Board Member Nekia
Hackworth Jones, the board developed ideas and reached
consensus on several pressing topics. The board members
welcomed the opportunity to proactively identify strengths
and opportunities, and to tackle weaknesses and challenges.
The board retreat achieved its mission. It offered board
members an opportunity to educate ourselves on the Bar’s
mission, to plan strategically, to socialize, to develop longand short-term goals, and to develop long-term friendships.
At the retreat’s conclusion, board members felt energized,
educated, and engaged.
The focus soon turned to board training
and education. The retreat included several
instructional presentations: Jackie Saylor
outlined her President’s initiatives, goals,
and hopes for the year; Executive Director
Terri Beck explained the well-oiled workings
of the Association’s office management and
operations; Secretary Jim Blitch and Immediate
Past-President Wade Watson educated board
members on their roles and responsibilities
– individually and collectively; Treasurer
Maggie Vath reviewed the Association financial
statements and budget, and gave a brief
parliamentary procedure refresher course;
and Atlanta Bar Foundation President Wade
Malone summarized the Foundation’s latest
The Board members then broke into busy,
productive work sessions. Each group
August/September 2014
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association