The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2014 | Page 43
section update
Labor & Employment Section
By Benjamin I. Fink
Berman Fink Van Horn P.C.
[email protected]
hope everyone had a great summer. As I mentioned in
my last update, this year marks the 50th anniversary of
the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This landmark
piece of civil rights legislation outlawed discrimination based
on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. The Act
forms the foundation for much of the work in which members
of our Section are engaged and we have spent a lot of
time and energy debating, arguing over and litigating the
nuances of the statute and the case law that has grown up
around it. In order to commemorate this historic legislation,
in conjunction with the Labor & Employment Law Section of
the State Bar of Georgia, the Atlanta Chapter of the Federal
Bar Association and the Gate City Bar Association, we are
in the process of planning a significant event to celebrate
the anniversary of the passage of the Act. We are hoping to
hold this event in mid-November and expect to have some
very exciting speakers at the event. Please keep an eye out
for upcoming details about the event. Hopefully, the size
and scope of the event will do justice to this momentous
We also have scheduled our fall luncheon for October 3, 2014
at the Capital City Club. Magistrate Judge Justin S. Anand
has graciously agreed to speak at this luncheon. Please
mark your calendars.
We are also in the process of planning joint events with
the Intellectual Property, Corporate and Dispute Resolution
Sections of the Atlanta Bar. Please keep an eye out for
information about those upcoming events, as well.
If anyone is interested in becoming a member of our Section,
or participating in Section activities, please get in touch. We
would love to have you.
Once again, our Section is most gracious to SullivanStrickler
and Huseby Court Reporting for serving as sponsors of the
Section. I look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming
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