The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2014 | Page 32

SLIP Student Essays Gun-related Legislation in the United States By Tseganesh Gebresilassie Arabia Mountain High School, Interned with DeKalb County Solicitor General’s Office T he issue of gun-related legislation spans many sensitive facets of “justice” in the legal system of the United States of America. As of 2014, gun control has become to some a matter of crime, while to others, a matter of rights. These conflicting ideologies of the practicality of gun laws have concurrently aroused a flame among the American people that has only grown since the establishment of the Gun Control Act in 1968; a legislative regulation initially enacted solely to prevent the acquisition of firearms by individuals less-than-qualified to arm themselves, and further, to prevent these individuals from harming others. With this understanding of the sole and primary causation for the enforcement of gun restrictions in the U.S., I undoubtedly find myself in support of the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Abramski v. United States No. 12-1493. It is not that the defendant purchased the gun for someone else, but that he was compelled to be less than truthful about it. The majority decision abides, unfortunately for Abramski, to the previously mentioned federal statute 18 U.S.C. 922(a) (6) which imposes criminal penalties on any individual who, in connection with a firearm’s acquisition, makes false statements about “any fact material to the lawfulness of the sale.” In this case, and in many gun-related cases, the hand of the courts is forced by otherwise dishonest and potentially illintentioned persons. The United States Supreme Court ruled against Abramski and now requires under federal law that gun purchasers specifically disclose if they are buying the gun for another person. Upon review of the legal inconsistencies brought to light by Abramski’s actions, I can only concede to this ruling. To adhere to the facts and facts alone, as the law naturally intends, the narrative of Bruce Abramski’s actions are enough of an argument in itself. On November 17th of 2009 Mr. Abramski stepped into a gun store to purchase a Glock 19. Upon purchase, he filled out the required form distributed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. And on this federal document, Bruce Abramski checked “Yes” upon where it asked for him to distinguish himself as the “the actual transferee/buyer” of the weapon. And on this federal document, Bruce Abramski lied. Mr. Abramski was not purchasing the gun for his own personal use, but rather for his uncle, who lived out of state and to whom Mr. Abramski delivered the weapon. Here Mr. Abramski acted rather as the “straw purchaser”; an individual acting as a middleman making the purchase on behalf of someone else. The crime here is not the transition of the weapon; the crime is neither his uncle’s possession of the weapon, as he is qualified to own it; the crime, in this case, is the falsification of material information on a federal document designed for the protection of the republic. Abramski was then convicted for consciously producing false statements in his acquisition of a firearm, 18 U.S.C. 922(a)(6). By withholding this information Abramski interfered with the dealer’s legal duty, under Chapter 24 of Title 18 of the United States Code, to “maintain” and “keep” accurate records pertaining to any purchase of a firearm “as the Attorney General may … prescribe.” The dissenting opinion of this case, provided by Justice Scalia, questions the majority’s identification of Bruce Abramski’s uncle as the “true buyer” of the handgun in question. Justice Scalia utilizes his well-versed hand to dissect the etymology of the case. Scalia claims the “plain language of the act” and “ordinary English usage” makes it obvious that the gun was “s(old)” to Abramski. While Scalia’s approach to the narrative of the crime is straightforward and seemingly an easy solution to a complex predicament, it lacks reference to context. Relying solely on the versed narrative of the act and attempting to permeate the logic surrounding its phrasing should not be the basis of a court decision. The law and its terms should always be the final definition of any ٕɑ