The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2014 | Page 29

SLIP Student Essays referred to in these statutes is important because if the identity of the final purchaser is not disclosed, criminals could have easier access to firearms. Disclosing the identity of the true/ actual buyer allows the statutes to accomplish their objectives. The information requested of the ATF form is relevant to the lawfulness of the sale for the reasons given above. Abramski disregarded essentially all the firearm law’s requirements and violated §922(a)(6). The majority opinion concerning the information kept on file stated that Abramski did, in fact, violate §924(a)(1)(A) by making a false statement regarding information that was to be kept on file. The dissenting opinion, written by Justice Scalia, was joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Thomas and Alito. Regarding the lawfulness of the sale, Justice Scalia rejects the majority opinion’s determination of the final recipient as the person referenced by the Gun Control Act. The dissenting opinion argues that though the majority opinion presents a reasonable statute, the statute is not the one Congress wrote. For a statute that already contains so many loopholes, what makes one concerning the identity of the final buyer any different? The purpose of the Act was not absolute. Because of the ambiguity, the dissenting opinion sides with the defendant. Regarding the information kept on file, the statute does not punish misstatements. Regardless of this, the information on that form concerning Abramski’s status M&DCP Celebrates as the straw purchaser” was not required to be kept. Again, because of this ambiguity, the dissenting opinion sides with the defendant. With regards to Abramski v. United States, I agree with the dissenting opinion. The person referred to in the Gun Control Act could have been the person at the counter (straw buyer) or the final recipient of the firearm (real buyer). Because of the confusion concerning the identity of the buyer, Abramski could be said to have made a misstatement rather than a false, material statement. I believe that because of the ambiguity of the terms in the Gun Control Act, Abramski should not have been prosecuted for this crime. In conclusion, Abramski v. United States concerns the lawfulness of a firearm sale and the information concerning the firearm sale to be kept on file. The majority opinion stated the sale was unlawful and that a false, material statement was made concerning the information to be kept on file. The dissenting opinion stated that the sale was lawful and that a misstatement, unable to be punished by the statute, was made concerning the information to be kept on file. Because of the ambiguity of the identity of the final buyer referenced in the Gun Control Act, I agree with the dissenting opinion and side with the defendant. 30 Years The Atlanta Bar Association Minority & Diversity Clerkship Program was established in 1985 and offers law firm clerkships for minority and diverse 1L students attending the five accredited Georgia law schools. Learn more. The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association August/September 2014 THE ATLANTA LAWYER 29