The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2013 | Page 3

THE ATLANTA The Atlanta Lawyer CHAIRS EDITORIAL BOARD August/September 2013 In This Issue: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 4 Litigation Section Update 6 9 10 14 23 24 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 ADVISORS Atlanta Bar Association President Wade H. Watson III Caldwell & Watson Jacquelyn H. Saylor The Saylor Law Firm Secretary Harold E.Franklin King & Spalding Treasurer James D. (Jim) Blitch IV Blitch Law PC Immediate Past President Lynn M. Roberson Swift Currie McGhee & Hiers Kristin Zielmanski Berman Fink Van Horn P.C. Members at Large Louis R. Cohan Cohan Law Group, LLC Karen D. Fultz Cozen O’Connor Jonathan E. Hawkins Foltz Martin LLC Nicole G. Iannarone Georgia State University College of Law Lisa Liang Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. Robert Milton Lewis Jr. U.S. Department of Labor Curtis Martin Miller & Martin, PLLC Gregory T. Presmanes Bovis Kyle & Burch, LLC Michael J. Rust Gray, Rust, St. Amand, Moffett & Brieske, LLP Margaret H. (Maggie) Vath Vath Law LLC Steven A. Wagner U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Ryan K. Walsh Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP The Atlanta Lawyer (ISSN-04038428/UPS-018068) is published by the Atlanta Bar Association, 400 International Tower, 229 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta GA 30303-1601. The Editorial Board of The Atlanta Lawyer will consider all articles and letters submitted for publication, however it reserves the right to reject articles and letters submitted. Articles are judged on importance of topic, clarity, and timeliness. The Editorial Board gives priority to articles promoting the activities of the Association and its members. The Board reserves the right to edit or rewrite an article as a condition of publication. Articles and letters may be submitted by e-mail to Mariana Pannell at [email protected]. The membership is encouraged to submit letters to the editor. The Atlanta Lawyer reserves the right to edit for style, length, and continuity. All letters must include the author’s name. The Atlanta Lawyer is published by email. Send email corrections to Kari DeLoach at [email protected]. August/September 2013 Rita A. Sheffey Hunton & Williams LLP Gate City Bar Association President Lynnette D. Espy-Williams Cozen O’Connor Marc A. Rawls Sutherland THE ATLANTA LAWYER 3