president’s message
We also see the reported successes achieved by our own
Atlanta Police Department (see page 7). Keeping our
community safe and secure is perhaps one of the most
meaningful ways to build a sense of community. The APD
works tirelessly to achieve that elusive goal with a sometimes
minimal budget. We thank them for their efforts. Please
join the Atlanta Bar Foundation at the Legal Runaround
on September 1, 2012 at Piedmont Park for a 5k race and
walk to support the Foundation’s police scholarship fund
(see page 9).
We recently welcomed a class of new lawyers at the mass
swearing in ceremony downtown. Our Atlanta Bar Treasurer,
Harold Franklin, personally gave the newest members of
the profession our congratulations and invited them all to join
us in making ours the best legal community in the Atlanta
metro area.
I joined many of our bar friends (on the hottest day in the
history of Atlanta!) for a picnic and food fest in a Midtown
park. The members of the Multi-Bar Leadership Council
(MBLC) held the event and did a great job putting it on.
I was also honored to attend the Glitter Gala of the Georgia
Association of Black Women Attorneys in July. Many
members of the Atlanta Bar and MBLC community enjoyed
an evening of food and fun together.
Stay tuned for many more opportunities to participate and
enjoy activities of your Atlanta Bar. If you want to become
more actively involved, let me know. We will find a special
place for you at the Atlanta Bar! ■
2012-2013 Committee Chairs
Atlanta Santa
Hon. T. Jackson Bedford, Jr.
Patti M. Richards
Catherine M. O'Neil
Celebrating Service
Pro Bono: Judge Susan E. Edlein
Community & Law Day: Melody Z. Richardson