The Atlanta Lawyer: August 2021 Vol. 20, No. 1 | Page 5

please remember that while we are all in this together , we come to life ( and the Bar ) wearing different shoes . Some people are fully vaccinated and are unconcerned about the relatively low risk of catching the virus . Some people are not vaccinated , for whatever reason , and may or may not be comfortable with that fact . Some may be vaccinated themselves but have immunocompromised individuals at home or children too young to be vaccinated . Just as we would show respect to opposing counsel presenting their case , we should show respect to each other as we navigate this next step , which may include these groups intermingling . If masks are optional and you opt out , please do not argue with those who opt in , and vice versa . If masks are required , and you do not want to comply , please decide to attend virtually or wait for an event with different requirements . While the Bar is proceeding with some in-person events , we can only do so if our members remember that we are all part of a profession and act accordingly . If guidelines change , we will adapt . With or without a pandemic , I think at least some virtual programs are here to stay - can you say Atlanta traffic ?!? The Bar will continue to offer quality , innovative programing , in several formats . I know that I , for one , am excited about seeing my lawyer friends at Bar events with the proper safety precautions in place .
So , welcome to this stage of the journey . I am confident we have many more lessons yet to learn , but let us learn from the past bad , hold onto the good , and be compassionate as we step cautiously back through the gates .
Christina M . Baugh Atlanta Bar Association President

Welcoming a New Co-Chair

A Note of Farewell

Effective with this August 2021 issue , the Editorial Board is pleased and excited to announce that Harry Winograd joins Hon . Diane E . Bessen as Co-Chair of The Atlanta Lawyer . Winograd has served on the magazine ’ s Editorial Board for several years and will be filling the role previously held by Lisa K . Liang , Co-Chair from 2015-2021 . Harry is a Principal in Bodker Ramsey Andrews Winograd & Wildstein , PC ., where he concentrates on business litigation with an emphasis on trial practice . He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Emory University School of Law in the Kessler- Eidson Trial Techniques Program , and is also the co-author of the authoritative legal resource book “ Georgia Business Litigation ” which covers “ Limited Liability Company and Partnership Litigation .” Winograd can be contacted at hwinograd @ brawwlaw . com .
Dr . Megan T . Hodgkiss , a long-time member of our Editorial Board and frequent contributor to The Atlanta Lawyer is moving on to a new opportunity as Editor of the Georgia Bar Journal . Hodgkiss has been an inspirational and captivating contributor to the magazine , including her recent book review of The Secret Life of Dorothy Soames which appeared in our April / May 2021 issue .
We wish Megan the very best .
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