Ask the Sections
What Sections are particularly interested in as we make strides to overcome the pandemic .
Bankruptcy Section members are particularly interested in seeing whether bankruptcy filings increase over the next year , as this past year witnessed a historic decline of consumer filings . Section members are also curious to see whether more small businesses take advantage of the relief provided by the relatively new bankruptcy chapter – Subchapter V . Finally , our Section members are interested to see how much of the remote capabilities introduced by the Courts during the pandemic are here to stay . - Doroteya N . Wozniak , Bankruptcy Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect
Dispute Resolution members are particularly interested in assisting the courts with managing the backlog of cases that have developed as part of the extended closing of the court system . The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution may be the best way to help reduce many of the pending cases . There are many well trained mediators and arbitrators throughout the State that stand ready to participate and contribute to the dialogue needed to help get these cases resolved and the litigants served in the justice system . - Scott I . Zucker , Dispute Resolution Chair
Our Estate Planning & Probate Section members are particularly interested in learning when the Probate Courts will resume business as usual . Our Section sponsored webinars featuring both Georgia and nationally recognized speakers on estate planning topics every month since March 2020 , all of which were well received by our members . Our Section has learned that keeping members current on changes in the law , best practices , and other issues via Zoom is not only possible , but highly successful . - Linda S . Pacer , Estate Planning & Probate Chair
Family Law Section members are particularly interested in the impact of the pandemic on children and families and the availability of mental health assistance for children and families . Our members have benefited from virtual platforms , and are interested in continuing the use of virtual platforms to reduce legal costs for families , while recognizing that many issues are best handled in person by a Judge who can assess credibility and inspire attention and respect for the process from litigants . - Hon . Rebecca Crumrine Rieder , Family Law Chair
Judicial Section members are particularly interested in examining the use of technology in new ways , coupled with novel changes to how the public interacted with the judicial system requires a look back at what worked , what did not , and what was learned . Collectively , we realize that the performance of judicial duties is both a service to our profession and to the public as a whole . Ensuring courtrooms are open and accessible to practitioners and the public alike remains a critical concern . - Hon . Christopher T . Portis , Judicial Chair
Labor & Employment Section members are particularly interested in employee return-to-work issues , vaccine mandates , diversity and inclusion issues , and continued developments in employment law policy changes from the Biden administration . - Abigail J . Larimer , Labor & Employment Chair
Sole Practitioner / Small Firm Section members are particularly interested in what changes to our practices that were forced upon us due to the pandemic will stick with us moving forward . The pandemic caused many of us to work outside of our comfort zone and to utilize technology and practices that we might not have otherwise used before . In particular , the ability to work remotely also has created many potential effects , such as changes in employee retention , reduction of overhead , and increased or decreased productivity . - Chris Brannon , Sole Practitioner / Small Firm Chair
Privacy & Cybersecurity Section members are particularly interested in expanding the breadth of our membership and continuing to grow . " Privacy ” and " cybersecurity " as concepts are related , but are very different on a granular level . Further , the level of depth within both concepts is vast , and applies to many different kinds of practitioners within a wide array of industries . It is the Section ' s immediate goal to appeal to each of these practitioners as a source of value and community . - Stephen Bush , Privacy & Cybersecurity Chair www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 35