CLE By the Hour 2021
This Years CLE Program Brought Timely Information to Members on Navigating Various Scenarios and Situations in a Pandemic Environment .
JENA G . EMORY Copeland Stair Kingma & Lovell jemory @ cskl . law
KIER A . PRINCE Emory Clinic of Volunteers for Veterans kier . prince @ gmail . com
The Atlanta Bar hosted a virtual version of its annual CLE by the Hour program in May 2021 . Though the program is traditionally a one day in-person CLE , this year the virtual program was split into two fourhour sessions , which occurred on May 6 and 13 , 2021 . This year , like in years past , the program provided multiple ethics , trial practice , and professionalism credits spread across a variety of practice areas . In case you missed it , here are some highlights .
Nobody Told Me : Stress , Pressure and Ethical Decisions ( Ethics )
The first day of CLE by the Hour 2021 began with an ethics panel hosted by ReelTime . The program included three vignettes with ethical situations that the audience watched with the panelists . After each video , panelists Ben Alper ( Weintraub & Alper ); Kar Yee Peluso ( Boral Industries Inc .); Pamela Councill ( Alston & Bird ); and Bob Rubin ( Justice in Georgia ) discussed the ethical dilemmas shown in the videos .
The first video , “ Just don ’ t screw it up ,” showed an associate receiving pressure from a partner to settle a case before trial when his client did not want to . The panel sympathized with the associate and noted that good client management is a part of de-stressing your life . They agreed , though , that you cannot control another person . The next video , “ You ’ re a smart young man …,” portrayed the same associate continuing his attempt to convince his client to settle while his client refused to be properly prepared for trial . The panelists noted that the fear of a trial can pressure an attorney into forcing his client to take settlement offers that are not in his client ’ s best interests . Letting go of the fear of trial can make you a better lawyer . The final video , “ Honey , lemme just survive today …,” conveyed the pressure that the associate was receiving from his wife . The panelist commiserated with the associate and reminisced about preparing for trial
20 July / August 2021