IN THE PROFESSION cases the Superior Court handles are criminal and family law . For parties with family law issues who are unable to afford counsel , the Court established a pro bono clinic to handle every type of family law case — divorces with and without minor children ; legitimation and paternity cases ; family violence cases ; modifications of custody , visitation and / or child support ; and name change petitions , among others . In the pro bono clinic , self-represented parties have access to a panoply of individual forms and packets prepared by the Atlanta Legal Aid Society which are available on-line as well as at the Courthouse . Young attorneys rotate teaching how-to classes ( currently on Zoom ). Additionally , lawyers are available for limited scope of representation to help on the more complex cases . This has transformed the availability of legal services in family law cases to low-income Cobb County residents .
Another one of my proudest moments on the Bench was the day in June 2015 that the U . S . Supreme Court in Obergefell v . Hodges extended the fundamental right to marry to same-sex couples . The Cobb Probate Court , Magistrate Court and Superior Court Judges , as well as their staff , were all prepared in advance for handling what we expected to be a huge volume of marriage ceremonies in the event the Supreme Court ended up ruling the way it did . No one on the Cobb Bench fought starting to perform marriages for same-sex couples immediately upon the Court ’ s ruling .
As Chief Judge , I performed the very first same-sex marriage in the Cobb County Courthouse atrium . The first couple were everyday folk , dressed in bowling shirts and cargo shorts . Couples then lined up in an organized but exuberant fashion , and we went all day performing ceremonies until everyone in line was married . It was a marvelous day as we watched the joy and thrill of those about to have their dream come true .
Although not an achievement per se , one of the most fun days for the Cobb Superior
Court was our annual chili and barbeque cook off for the entire Bench and staff at the Courthouse .
Q : How would you describe the Cobb Superior Court bench as a whole ?
A : In my 16 years as an Active Superior Court judge , the Bench had excellent camaraderie . We have been a sharing and collegial bunch . When things needed to be shared with the public , we always spoke with one voice . We have never had internal spats or divisions on the Bench , at least during my tenure .
Q : What are some of the most enjoyable aspects of now being a Senior Judge ?
A : For me , I love name-change hearings for people transitioning from one gender to another . Such hearings are the fulfillment of the need to be called by a name reflective of who they have really been for the majority of their lives .
I also love the opportunity to dig deep , and to have and spend the necessary time to solve complex business or family problems . I am a big proponent of using Guardians ad Litem in custody matters . Some lawyers poo poo family lawyers , but in reality , family matters can be as financially complex as business disputes , with the added complication arising when children are in the mix .
Q : Did you ever consider putting your name in the hat to be selected to the Georgia Court of Appeals or Supreme Court Bench ?
A : No . My skills are more people oriented . I believe I can “ read ” people very well . I am happy to leave the intellectuality of researching and writing opinions cases to others .
Q : Last , now that you have senior status , a bit more time , and a double dose of the vaccine , what leisure activities do you look forward to doing ?
A : Well , after I retired as an active judge December 31 , 2020 , my wife and I wanted to travel to France and Spain , but the pandemic stopped those plans . We did , however , manage to travel to Park City , Utah , Chicago , and Steamboat Springs in 2021 . Our plans for the summer of 2021 are so far up in the air .
Q : Thanks so much for your time and continued interest in serving the people of Cobb County .
A : You are most welcome .
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