The Atlanta Lawyer April/May 2023 Vol 21, No 6 | Page 4

Reflections & Recognitions

O ne week from today ’ s publication of The Atlanta Lawyer , my term as President of the Atlanta Bar Association will end . The past year has flown by ; yet the Association has been busy and productive . Although I will miss connecting with each of you through this column , I am confident that you are in good hands with a very strong , determined , and committed incoming leadership team . I look forward to seeing you — and the organization as a whole — continue to set an example for all in our local community .

CHRISTOPHER P . LIGHTNER Alston & Bird LLP chris . lightner @ alston . com
Looking back as well , what a fantastic year we have shared ! You have all done remarkable work , returning in-person for so many events ; regaining our ability to associate with one another . I want to personally thank each of you for your efforts in this regard . Much like the Litigation Section and the Estate Planning & Probate Sections — both honored at this week ’ s Annual Meeting for their in-person educational , social , and community service events — it is the tireless dedication of each of you that has made a difference this year . Through leadership-driven efforts , we are already seeing a positive turning of the tide in membership numbers ; continuing to provide meaningful and valuable engagement opportunities — at the Bar and Section levels alike — will only amplify this in the coming year . What an exciting time to be a part of this organization !
I want to also recognize and thank those individuals who were specifically recognized at this week ’ s Annual Meeting . Firstly , E . Ty Brown ( Hawkins Parnell ), for his leadership in the Membership Committee ’ s “ Tour de Toni ” – re-engaging the Atlanta Bar Association with local law firm , corporate , and non-profit leaders ,
4 April / May 2023