Concluding a Successful March Madness
By Brooke French
Kessler & Solomiany, LLC
The Atlanta Bar Association and
the CLE Board offered 14 Pro Bono
March Madness programs through-
out the month of March, resulting
in over 390 attendees. For the
first time, the Atlanta Bar and CLE
Board secured sponsorship from
nearly all bar association sections
supporting the program.
The Atlanta Bar and the CLE Board
is incredibly grateful for the gener-
ous contributions from the following
sections of the Atlanta Bar Associa-
Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers
Business & Finance
Corporate Counsel
Criminal Law
Dispute Resolution
Elder Law
April/May 2019
Environmental & Toxic Tort
Estate Probate & Planning
Family Law
Intellectual Property
International/Immigration Law
Labor & Employment
Public Interest
Real Estate
Sole Practitioner/Small Firm
Women in the Profession
Workers’ Compensation
Moreover, the Atlanta Bar and the
CLE Board are exceedingly thank-
ful for the time and dedication of
the presenters. Georgia Asylum
and Immigration Network provided
a seminar entitled Asylum and Vic-
tims of Violence Program Training,
and the Atlanta Legal Aid presented
Wills and Advanced Directives.
Georgia Appleseed delivered a
program titled Education Advocacy
for Children in Care, while Pro
Bono Partnership of Atlanta edu-
cated attendees at two programs:
Employment Law for Nonprofits
and Fundamental Fundraising for
The Truancy Intervention Proj-
ect presented Advocating for the
Truant Child and Georgia State
College of Law and the Health
Law Partnership (HeLP) provided
education on Advocacy for Special
Needs Children. Two programs
were offered by Atlanta Volunteer
Lawyers Foundation (AVLF) –
Atlanta’s Eviction Problem and
Representing Survivors of Intimate
Partner Violence in Civil Temporary
Protective Order Hearings.
Attendees were educated about
Unlocking Heirs Property in Geor-
gia by the Georgia Heirs Property