link to can book time with you.
The user sees your availability
on the booking page and picks a
time that is convenient for them.
Once someone books an appoint-
ment, you get an email notice and
it automatically populates on your
synced calendar. If a conflict does
arise, either party can cancel or re-
schedule the appointment directly
through the software.
One of the best parts of schedul-
ing software is that you can create
multiple booking pages for dif-
ferent audiences. For example,
I have one for clients where my
availability is set for business hours
and one for networking contacts
where my availability is set for only
pre-work coffee and lunch time.
You can also utilize the booking
page to schedule consults, which
is particularly useful for potential
clients who are on the fence about
scheduling their first consultation.
For me, sending potential clients
a booking page link has increased
the percentage of clients who fol-
low through with scheduling their
The biggest concern I have heard
lawyers raise about implementing
such software is a fear of giving up
control of their schedule. Schedul-
ing software has actually increased
my control over my schedule. The
parameters you set ensure that
users can only schedule meetings
that work for you. It also helps deal
with frustrating situations, such as
the client who repeatedly calls you
while you are in court or the at-
torney who says they are available
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER