1 On 3/2/2016 the Dispute Resolution Sec-
tion hosted a Breakfast at the Buckhead
Club. From left to right are Dispute Resolution Section Chair John Allgood (Ford & Harrison LLP) and Hrair Balian (Director, Conflict Resolution, The Carter Center). Hrair
Balian spoke on “Peace Prospects in Syria”.
2 On 3/11/2016 the Litigation Section hosted a
Breakfast at Ansley Golf Club. From left to right
are Steve Cummings (King & Spalding LLP),
Simon Malko (Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP),
Nancy Kumar (Georgia Power Company), Cathy
Hampton (City of Atlanta) and Elizabeth Robertson (Crawford & Company). Simon Malko,
Nancy Kumar, Cathy Hampton and Elizabeth
Robertson spoke on “Practical Advice From
In-House Litigation Counsel: How Outside Counsel Can Better Serve Their Client’s Needs”.
3 On 3/16/2016 the Elder Law Section hosted
a Breakfast at the Buckhead Club. From left
to right are Dr. Mary Gresham and Elder Law
Breakfast Section Chair Brian Deutsch (McCurdy & Candler, LLC). Dr. Mary Gresham
spoke on “Helping Families Have Hard Conversations”.4 On 3/30/2016 the Women in the
Profession Section hosted a CLE with the Breast
Cancer Legal Project and the Atlanta Legal Aid
Society at Atlanta Legal Aid Society. From left to
right are Women in the Profession Section Chair
Sarah Cipperly, Payal Kapoor and John Warchol. Payal Kapoor and John Warchol spoke on
“Wills And Advance Directives For Low-Income
Clients”. 5 On 4/13/2016 the Women in the
Profession Section and the Sole Practitioner/Small
Firm Section hosted a Joint Social at Hop City at
Krog Street Market. From left to right are Women
in the Profession Section Chair Sarah Cipperly
(Cipperly Law Group LLC) and Women in the
Profession Section Treasurer Megan Hodgkiss.
6 On 4/15/2016 the Litigation Section hosted a breakfast at the Ansley
Golf Club. From left to right are Litigation
Section Chair Steve Cummings (King &
Spalding) and Jonathan E. Hawkins (Krevolin & Horst LLC). Jonathan Hawkins spoke
on “Negotiation: Back To The Basics”.
April 2016
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER