Atlanta Bar Bankruptcy Section CLE &
David W. Pollard Award Luncheon
Honoring the Honorable C. Ray Mullins
W W W . AT L A N TA B A R . O R G
The Board of the Bankruptcy Section is pleased to present
the 2016 David W. Pollard Lifetime Achievement Award to
the Honorable C. Ray Mullins, Chief Judge of the United
States Bankruptcy Court of the Northern District of Georgia.
The Award recognizes a person who is a member of the
Atlanta Bar who best exemplifies the highest standards of
professionalism and ethics in the bankruptcy practice.
Chief Judge Mullins will be introduced by
The Honorable Joyce Bihary, United States Bankruptcy
Court, Northern District of Georgia (Retired) and
Todd Meyers, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP.
Environmental Law and Toxic Tort
By Richard E. Glaze Jr.
Balch & Bingham LLP
[email protected]
Construction Law and Environmental
and Toxic Tort Joint Section Breakfast
On April 27, the Section will team up with the Construction
Spring Membership Luncheon
Water Act “Waters of the United States” rule that interprets
The final event of this year will be a service day with Trees
the central jurisdictional concept of this important statute.
Atlanta on Saturday, May 14th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Speakers will include Martin Shelton of Weissman Nowack
The group will be mulching and watering trees. Thanks to
Curry & Wilco, Justin Wong of Troutman Sanders, and Megan
board member Jennifer Pennington for arranging this event.
Hinkle of the Southern Environmental Law Center. We thank
Learn more here.
This 3-hour program will feature panels on garnishment, credit reporting obligations under the
Fair Credit Reporting Act and evidentiary issues in bankruptcy litigation. 3.0 CLE hours
Register by April