On Tuesday, March 20, 2012,
the Atlanta Bar Association
Public Interest Committee
(PIC) presented the second
installment of its speaker’s
series, co-sponsored by
the Litigation Section, at
the Wrecking Bar. Dale M.
Schwartz, Dale M. Schwartz &
Associates, spoke on “The Leo
Frank Case: A Retrospective
from the Atlanta Bar”.
Dale M. Schwartz addressing the attendees.
Shown from left to right are Litigation Section Board of Directors Member-at-Large Kevin P. Weimer (Fellows LaBriola,
LLP), PIC Co-Chair Mariel Sivley (Georgia Law Center for the Homeless), Dale M. Schwartz and Haley A. Schwartz
(Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.).
April 2012
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association