The Astrological Journal Mar-Apr 2016 | Page 10

Marjorie Orr’s World Astrology Angela Merkel facing a reality check? Reported sexual assaults on German women at New Year [2016] have provided another headache for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s perceived open-door policy on migrants. The accusation is that no one seems to have thought through the consequences of letting in large numbers of young men from cultural backgrounds accused of denigrating women. Sweden, which has always had a liberal approach to immigration, is now finding that its rape and gun crime statistics are soaring. Violence against women is a universal crime irrespective of religion (or lack of) but there is a particular European problem that ‘multi-culturalists’ are being forced to face. Sweden (7 December 1865, 3:30pm Stockholm) is in a sevenyear phase of huge challenges as solar arc Sun-Mars crosses a conjunction to its Pluto and opposes its Saturn. Three years past and four years ahead. Mars-Pluto is especially associated with rape and criminal behaviour; add in Saturn and gun crime fits as well. Tr Uranus is also square their solar arc Moon for the final time early in 2016, which will bring women’s issues to the fore. Germany, like the EU and indeed the UK, has tr Pluto moving through its 4th house for many years which suggests domestic pressures and a mutinous domestic population. Germany also has tr Pluto trine 8th house Pluto in 2016/17 which will bring up conflicted and very intense emotional responses, also echoed in tr Pluto conjunct 4th house Venus this year. Plus, solar arc Moon is conjunct Germany’s Mars, bu [[