The Art Rooms (Parts 1 and 2) – Nadia Smith | Page 6
Location mapping
Building analysis
Portsmouth is a waterfront city in Hampshire.
Portsmouth is the most densely popu�
lated area of the UK and consits of di�
verse cultures and wide range of ages.
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ber of people are in poverty meaning they
are less likely to have had access to as
many opportunities as those not in poverty.
Knight & Lee
the business and over the years continued to expand the com�
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opportunity to experience the diverse range of
position [Primary source]
Current plans:
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plans for the whole building consisting of a mix�
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A public consultation was conducted in February and April 2019.
There was positive feedback from the public that the building
would not be turned into housing or student accommodation.
“The aim is to create something equally as special in Southsea
and their designs for the Knight & Lee building embrace
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and letterpress [Primary source]
[Primary source]
[Primary source]
[Primary source]
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