Caterham Grads were out on force during this weekend, with each classification series having a practice and qualifying session, along with their main races.
Saturday however, was their busiest day. As already stated, one of their cars had ended up in a ditch after aqua-plaining at Quarry corner. That meant that the team had a complete rebuild on their hands, along with the other cars that were damaged at the same time.
They worked right the way through the night, to early on Sunday morning, putting the car back together, beating the panels back into shape, and making good on the paint work, so that all the cars could again complete on the Sunday.
But the accidents and crashes didn't only affect Caterham Grads. The Ford Fiesta Championship also suffered an extensive crash, that resulted in the session being red-flagged for 10 minutes, whilst an overturned car was righted, and the driver taken to the medical centre.
All cars, during this time, were placed back on the starting grid line up, in the positions there were in, whilst an ambulance was dispatched to collect the driver, and the marshalls worked to clearing the corner of the car, as well as putting the tyre wall back in position.
All this happened, because of car drifting across further to the left than what the driver had expected, resulting in the passenger side front wheel going onto the wet grass for the briefest of moments. But it was enough to cause the car lose grip on this wheel, making it spin onto the grass, and straight into the tyre wall, on it's side.
The driver was unhurt.