Henry Ford once said : “ Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black .”
Today , you can personally collaborate with the expert designers and craftspeople at Rolls-Royce to create a Rolls-Royce that is as unique as you are .
Our clients are afforded the luxury of determining their own search criteria because we are experts at recruiting exactly the right candidates .
We ’ ll design your ideal match and with our unique , proactive and targeted methodology , we ’ ll find her ( or him )!
The Ivy group and traditional matchmakers are on opposite ends of the personal service spectrum of dating .
With traditional matchmakers , members will have to trust that expectations will be met by the chances which present themselves at their service provider .
Members are thus at the mercy of the market and who ’ s available to the matchmaker at the time they wish to date .
5 . What would you say is the most common issue people have when they approach you ?
People come to us because they don ’ t find who they are seeking .
Not in daily life , not through any other service . We will find her ( or him ). That ’ s what we do .
In order to successfully date the right person , you need to find that potentially right person and then find a way to engage with them .
Both are proven to be a huge challenge in today ’ s world .
Ivy will identify and recruit for you to then engage within a trustworthy and safe setting .
Followed with a diligent screening and profiling process we will then be able to create extra-ordinary opportunities and connections where people can meet and explore comfortably .
Authenticity and discretion are prerequisites for those who approach us .
6 . Have you had a particular success story that sticks out from the others ?
Every story certainly has its charm and every love story we can create is inspiration for the next .
I believe in something I would call trickledown-love-o-nomics where the happiness we create hopefully flows on !
7 . Could you tell us what someone might expect when they first approach you ?
The very first question I ’ ll ask is to tell me exactly what you want .
No filter , no judgement , no hesitation : tell me what ’ s in your mind and heart .
With a mirror in front of you , we ’ ll be figuring out who you truly desire .
Allow me to don ’ t understand what rocks your world and what kind of a partner would suit you .
And then I ’ m sure we ’ ll find what we ’ re looking for !
8 . Do you expect to see any specific trends arising in 2023 ?
I believe the trend we will see in 2023 has been rising these last few years : a growing allergic reaction to consumer dating .
Crisis times enhance people ’ s true desire to revert to “ the real thing ”, to genuine connection .
Digital tools are intrinsic to today ’ s world yet will have to be implemented differently .
If anything I see people – including Gen Z – truly seeking genuine and valuable connection .
9 . Could you give us a little insight into some of the packages available ?
As we offer a truly bespoke , supportive , targeted , discrete and personal service it does come with a price tag representing that value .
Our packages consist of transparent formulas based on a modular service system where we can build the right package for each client .
Each assignment starts with some fixed and required elements and fees , and continuous per milestone and as per progress .
Some clients prefer a slower , very targeted approach whilst others prefer a more intense and explorative journey .
For more information simply send us an email or call on our mobile phone 24 / 7 : + 32 467 020 023 .
If you are looking for love , let us help you find it .
www . ivyrelations . com
Issue 56 2023 THE ART OF LUXURY