A skincare routine , like any other form of self-care , can be comforting and soothing by nature . There ’ s something slightly meditative about taking time out for yourself as a way to unwind from the hectic pressures of modern-day life . With this in mind , Avant Skincare is launching a Wellness Pack for the month of January , featuring a curated skincare routine to help individuals indulge in some skincare self-care to help beat the January blues .
The Avant Skincare Limited-Edition Wellness Pack features full sized products in a recycled cotton cosmetic bag , contents includes :
An overnight mask that combines signature ingredients including Shea Butter , Rice Bran and Panthenol , to help reveal more youthful , restored and hydrated skin . Shea Butter , rich in antioxidants and high in Vitamins A and E , works as an emollient to keep your skin young and supple . It also helps tighten the skin , and lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines . Rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids , Rice Bran aims to deeply hydrate and restore the skin ’ s natural glow . Panthenol helps restore damaged skin whilst helping reduce irritation and inflammation .
52 The Art of Luxury Issue 50 2022