Best For : Complete Seclusion At Thanda Island Private Marine Reserve
Nestled within Shungimbili Island Marine Reserve off the coast of Tanzania , the remote and rustic Thanda Island is the world ’ s only exclusive-use protected marine reserve .
Deemed to be the best season for whale shark sighting , during winter guests will be delighted to join the resident marine biologist and take part in the Whale Shark Citizen Science Programme which offers guests the chance to collect identification data on whale sharks , the iconic species living in the waters of Mafia ’ s archipelago . GoPros in hand and decked-out in eco-friendly diving gear ( rash vests are made from recycled plastic ), guests can swim in the undisturbed waters of Thanda Island , rubbing shoulders with a circus of tropical species .
Accommodating up to 18 guests in the solar-powered five-bedroom beach villa and two authentic beach chalets , this island retreat promises the ultimate winter escape , while also doing good for the environment and the community thanks to a host of educational programmes and community upliftment projects on Mafia island and mainland Tanzania .
A stay at Thanda Island is £ 33,000 per night , minimum of five nights .
For more information , please visit : www . thandaisland . com
Issue 48 2021 The Art of Luxury