The Art of Luxury Issue 45 2020 | Page 145

There are very few places in the world that capture the imagination like New York City . Nicknamed ‘ the city that never sleeps ’, this vibrant and cosmopolitan melting pot never ceases to amaze . After all , it does offer the very best in attractions , entertainment , and fine dining . Yet , its greatest appeal lays within the iconic street of 5th Avenue , considered the most elegant and expensive places in the world . Our 5th Avenue fragrance represents the glitz and glamour found on every one of its street corners . This floral , spicy scent encapsulates the style and sophistication of 5th Avenue , giving you permission to express your true self .
The opening teasing combination of Jasmine and Saffron certainly gets your pulse racing . Sweet , distinct , and seductive combine with confidence and boldness as Amber and Caramel take centre stage , producing a more mature sense of sweetness to arouse the senses . Sweeter tones are beautifully balanced with the earthy and woody aromas of Oakmoss and Oud , as they both form sensually with Amber .
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Issue 45 2020 The Art of Luxury