Prada and adidas unveil the first release of their partnership:
the Prada Superstar sneaker and the Prada Bowling bag for adidas
A partnership to begin a partnership. The first release - Prada for The Prada Superstar and the Prada Bowling bag for adidas are
adidas Limited Edition - is an homage to adidas, championing an proposed together; every piece is Made in Italy by Prada, indicating
emblematic adidas Originals shoe - the Superstar sneaker, originally the superlative quality synonymous with the brand and its inimitable
launched in 1969 and still a lynchpin of adidas Originals style. It also expertise in accessories and 106-year history as a luxury leather
introduces a new bag silhouette, the Prada Bowling bag for adidas, goods house. A partnership about manufacturing, a salute to the
which echoes the Prada Bowling bag as well as the adidas gym bag, 50 years of the Superstar, an impeccable style icon - which does
in and of itself referencing the world of sports, a style that serves to not require being re-designed - having crossed boundaries and
illustrate the shared narratives and intersecting heritages of Prada challenged definitions through five decades.
and adidas.
The Art of Luxury
Issue 42 2019