The ability to give guests an extraordinary charter vacation Of course, working on a travelling and moving yacht offers logistical
through their dining experiences is Smulders’ greatest professional challenges to chefs, but Smulders says that this also provides one of
motivation, finding the human element of his work and providing the highlights in his job: “I love the exploration of new ingredients,
connection through food. One of his standout experiences on cultures and traditions and the opportunity to meet new people
Sherakhan is a charter that they did for a Canadian family who were through my work on board. In more remote locations it can be
celebrating a special occasion in the Bahamas. “They were lovely hard to source provisions, but I love to explore the islands and buy
people and they were really impressed by the food we had created beautiful local ingredients. Sometimes we need to improvise a little,
for them,” he explains. “When it was time for them to leave, they had but that is what we are trained for – as chefs, creativity is in our DNA!”
tears in their eyes from feeling like the luckiest people on the planet.
It was so rewarding to have been a part of that.”
The Art of Luxury
Issue 42 2019