Experience Glancy Fawcett
Our Showrooms: Manchester - England
Albany - The Bahamas | Sotogrande - Spain
+44 (0)161 876 5356
We supply the finest designer tableware, linens and accessories to
any luxury superyacht, residence or private aircraft. Expert service
is at the heart of Glancy Fawcett from the beginning to the end of
every project, and beyond.
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Set yourself apart with one of a woman’s most powerful statements of
discerning taste and sophistication:
her exquisite bag.
These unique pieces are handcrafted in Italy by our
master-artisans who lavish hours of attention cutting
sewing and embroidering the finest Italian
tanned leather, and so create timeless
works of art.
Like all women each piece is unique.
Colore Collection
Every one is customised using a wide
range of stunning colours,
treatments and decorations.
Sabbia - Natural
Chic Collection
Discover our collections.
[email protected]
Princess - Gioiello Collection
[email protected]
Issue 40 2019
The Art of Luxury